Total Woody
i got nothing much happening around me so i am just gonna blog what i discovered these few days. is about my hse. my father who is a totally freak about woods had just turned our living room to be made of almost entirely wood. of course the wood is not those old ciplak type you see in school. the woods are all craved and expensive types of wood. Almost everything in the hse is made of wood and i just realised it.
u might ask how come i jus realised it when i hav stayed here for about 5 years or so. well, my dad change it bit by bit and the wood colour are not dark brown. some is beige. plus the non-wood furniture like the cushions, television, curtains occupied more space. but lets face it, there is no such thing as wooden cushions or wooden televisions.
Our drawers and decorations cupboards are firstly made of fine wood, nothing special in that. our television table, radio stand are alsoe made of wood. coffee table, stool, classical chairs are all made of wood. the door, mirror, letter stand (i am not sure what isit call but it is a small compartment to put letters) are made of wood. the center table is wooden as well. the chinese table thingy where they put the statue of god (i forgot whut isit call) is also wood. even our clock is wooden. lastly, the piano, piano stool, phone table and personal tables are all wood. and although our outdoor gate is not wood, but early this year (it was post in my blog sumwhere), my father told me to repaint it into brown woody colour.
i should be proud of my dad collections as wood is getting more and more expensive, but it jus seems funny that my hse is turning into woods. even my room is half wooden. like my study table, drawers, door, stool and cupboard. the only thing that is not made of wood is my bed, chair and my clothes hanger.
the only few rooms that is not 50% wooden is the stor room, kitchen, computer room (although the stretch of the table is wooden) and the garden itself.

16 More Days to Christmas!!
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