Old Favourites
is been so long since the last time i ever thought about pokemon. i remember when i was young, i am totally crazy about it including the cartoon series, cards, games and movies. i even collected their stickers. but all those memories had been put aside for quite long. i recently start playing my cousin's gameboy which contains a save data of my pokemon adventure long time ago. seeing nothing do to, i tot of jus continue playing it. i noe i am being childish, lol.
i noticed that i havent won the league yet although i had beaten the elite four (some of u guys might not now what i am talking about) so i continue from there. long time never played loosen my skills at it as it was extremely tough to beat the elite four champion aka gary oak. i had to restart the game when i lost to make sure that my points didnt go any lower (if u close the game before saving it, it will return to the previous saved location). my second time was okey although i still have to admit is hard to even go through gary second's pokemon, alakazam ( psychic pokemon).
my list of my league pokemons were:
Blastoise (a hard shelled turtle, best attack: hydro pump)
Raichu (an electrical mouse, best attack: thunder)
Kadabra (younger version of Alakazam, best attack: psychic)
Farfetch D (a bird with a leak as a weapon, best attack: razor wind)
Graveler (a stone man, best attack: earthquake)
Venomoth (an oversized moth, b est attack: toxic)
i managed to beat him. YAY! lol. i noe i am being very childish but i am bored to death. and since i am still bored, i will list to you gary's league pokemons:
Pigeot (a giant bird, best attack: wing attack)
Alakazam (psychic man, best attack: psychic)
Rhydon (a standing rhino, best attack: horn drill)
Gyarados (a giant sea dragon, best attack: hyper beam)
Arcanine (a fiery tiger-dog, best attack: flame thrower)
Venosaur (a giant flower, best attack: solarbeam)
i stopped playing once i defeated him but i got bored again so i played again, against the league again but with a diffrent batch of pokemon except for blastoise, he is my fav (im being so kiddy).
new batch:
Mewtwo (legendary psychic master, best attack: psychic)
Marowak (mother dinosaur with a bone as a weapon, best attack: bonemerang)
Ditto (a genetic cell that morph itself into its opponent, best and only attack: transform)
Chansey (a nurse with an egg in its pocket, best attack: double edge and softboiled)
Parasect (a giant mushroom-insect, best attack: slash)
well thats all. nothing to talk now. so sad. boring lah. i feel like blogging but dun noe whut to blog. well, anyway, playing pokemon brings back old memories.

8 more days to Christmas
i noticed that i havent won the league yet although i had beaten the elite four (some of u guys might not now what i am talking about) so i continue from there. long time never played loosen my skills at it as it was extremely tough to beat the elite four champion aka gary oak. i had to restart the game when i lost to make sure that my points didnt go any lower (if u close the game before saving it, it will return to the previous saved location). my second time was okey although i still have to admit is hard to even go through gary second's pokemon, alakazam ( psychic pokemon).
my list of my league pokemons were:
Blastoise (a hard shelled turtle, best attack: hydro pump)
Raichu (an electrical mouse, best attack: thunder)
Kadabra (younger version of Alakazam, best attack: psychic)
Farfetch D (a bird with a leak as a weapon, best attack: razor wind)
Graveler (a stone man, best attack: earthquake)
Venomoth (an oversized moth, b est attack: toxic)
i managed to beat him. YAY! lol. i noe i am being very childish but i am bored to death. and since i am still bored, i will list to you gary's league pokemons:
Pigeot (a giant bird, best attack: wing attack)
Alakazam (psychic man, best attack: psychic)
Rhydon (a standing rhino, best attack: horn drill)
Gyarados (a giant sea dragon, best attack: hyper beam)
Arcanine (a fiery tiger-dog, best attack: flame thrower)
Venosaur (a giant flower, best attack: solarbeam)
i stopped playing once i defeated him but i got bored again so i played again, against the league again but with a diffrent batch of pokemon except for blastoise, he is my fav (im being so kiddy).
new batch:
Mewtwo (legendary psychic master, best attack: psychic)
Marowak (mother dinosaur with a bone as a weapon, best attack: bonemerang)
Ditto (a genetic cell that morph itself into its opponent, best and only attack: transform)
Chansey (a nurse with an egg in its pocket, best attack: double edge and softboiled)
Parasect (a giant mushroom-insect, best attack: slash)
well thats all. nothing to talk now. so sad. boring lah. i feel like blogging but dun noe whut to blog. well, anyway, playing pokemon brings back old memories.

8 more days to Christmas
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