Asian Idol
Asian Idol just ended and the result is like what simon cowell will say, horrible!. the competition was between 6 first idols from their country, Mau Marsela from Philippines, Jaclyn Victor from Malaysia, Mike Mohade from Indonesia, Hady Mirza from Singapore, Phuang Vee from Vietnam and Abejeet from India.
based on my opinion, jaclyn is the strongest singer, mau has the most husky voice, mike is the best, hady doesnt deserve to be a singaporean idol at all, phuang vee had the most classic voice and abejeet, well i dun really get to hear his voice as i only listen to one song he sang only which is the juru sumthing like that lah and the song didnt really bring him out.
my family thinks that mike will win hands down but i support jac anyway, after all, she is a malaysian. malaysian won the first amazing race asia and the malaysia must win the first asian idol too. here is the list of who i think deserve to win from first to last:
1) Mike Mohade
2) Jaclyn Victor
3) Mau Marsela
4) Phuang Vee
5) Abejeet
6) Hady Mirza
however i was wrong way away. hadi mirza was the first asian idol and my whole family was like OMG!!! of all person, hady! the one who even daniel the 2nd malaysian idol can beat him. my dad says that he got the looks which attract girls but how bout phuang vee? she is pretty. then there is abejeet. much better looking than that hady guy. plus, his country is the smallest!!!!
well, i told my cousin about it and my cousin alredy said in a way, it is expected. she that most people would wan their country to win. so thinking that their country will win and since they hav to pick 2 country, they decided to pick their country and the worst contestant which is non other than hady.
for example, i wan jaclyn victor to win but the rules said that we hav to vote two people. but i am afraid that if i vote for mike who is so great at singing, will grab more chance to win. i tot of voting for jaclyn and hady since i think not many people will vote for if people from all around asia did the same as i did eventually hady grab more votes by being a loser. there is a saying, when 2 great party fights, is the the third party who wins. my sis made an assumption that hady is the winner by being a loser.

8 more days to Christmas
based on my opinion, jaclyn is the strongest singer, mau has the most husky voice, mike is the best, hady doesnt deserve to be a singaporean idol at all, phuang vee had the most classic voice and abejeet, well i dun really get to hear his voice as i only listen to one song he sang only which is the juru sumthing like that lah and the song didnt really bring him out.
my family thinks that mike will win hands down but i support jac anyway, after all, she is a malaysian. malaysian won the first amazing race asia and the malaysia must win the first asian idol too. here is the list of who i think deserve to win from first to last:
1) Mike Mohade
2) Jaclyn Victor
3) Mau Marsela
4) Phuang Vee
5) Abejeet
6) Hady Mirza
however i was wrong way away. hadi mirza was the first asian idol and my whole family was like OMG!!! of all person, hady! the one who even daniel the 2nd malaysian idol can beat him. my dad says that he got the looks which attract girls but how bout phuang vee? she is pretty. then there is abejeet. much better looking than that hady guy. plus, his country is the smallest!!!!
well, i told my cousin about it and my cousin alredy said in a way, it is expected. she that most people would wan their country to win. so thinking that their country will win and since they hav to pick 2 country, they decided to pick their country and the worst contestant which is non other than hady.
for example, i wan jaclyn victor to win but the rules said that we hav to vote two people. but i am afraid that if i vote for mike who is so great at singing, will grab more chance to win. i tot of voting for jaclyn and hady since i think not many people will vote for if people from all around asia did the same as i did eventually hady grab more votes by being a loser. there is a saying, when 2 great party fights, is the the third party who wins. my sis made an assumption that hady is the winner by being a loser.

8 more days to Christmas
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