Gang Cina
Room Cleaning Day
PMR Results Day
Totaled up: about Rm30
Money left in wallet: About Rm28.
Money got from family in the meantime:
Money earned today: Rm110 - Rm30 = Around Rm80.
that all i get for the moment. my mu said she want to belanja me eat after she get her paycheck. my dad said that he will give me Rm650 more but i dunnpe whether he is saying for real or not.
PMR Results
my christmas poem:
Read More......Presents Under the Tree
1) me and sis to dad (ginseng in a bottle from korea)
2) me and sis to mum (pocket mirror bag from china)
3) dad to me and sis (digital camera)
4) mum to me (notebook)
5) mum to sis (mechanical hand fan)
6) me to sis (cute and nice design notepad)
7) grandma to me (shirt)
8) grandma to sis (money, not under the christmas tree)
9) sis to me (decoration)
10) eldest aunt to me (novel)
11) eldest aunt to sis (angpow)
12) youngest uncle and family to me (shirt)
13) youngest uncle and family to sis (unknown, is a big box so we couldn't guess)
14) eldest uncle and family to me (bag)
15) eldest uncle and family to sis (shirt or skirt)
other presents that we give away on christmas:
1) sis to cousin yimei for birthday which happen to fall on 26 of December (necklace)
2) me to cousin yimei for birthday which happen to fall on 26 of December (jewelry box)
3) mum to my eldest ho cousin (formal shirt)
4) mum to my second eldest ho cousin (t-shirt)
5) mum to my youngest ho cousin (robot toy)
6) mum to her sis (green tea body product set)
7) mum to her mum (shirt)
the coming christmas also reminded me of pmr results, school starts, new journey in school, prefect tension, tuiton, add maths, very early wake up. haihz... oh well, enjoy your christmas everyone!

1 more day to Christmas
Hari Raya Haji
if u read my previous post, i stated that i am having a hari raya haji party with my ho side of the family. when i first heard it from my mum, i tot that it will be a party that my uncles hold for his malays frend and brought us along but apparently she corrected me and said that it will only be us and the. so it is a hari raya haji party with no malays.
again, i had no idea why they have it in the first place but my mum told me to pretend it as a one day holiday for the working people. we arrived at my uncle's hse at puchong as the last family to arrive. we then gave them their christmas present and started chit chatting. once most of the dinning table seats are emptied, me, my family and the host and hostess family begun eating. not much of a malay style than i expected actually. a few dish that i could remember is:
1: Fried rice
2: Fried chicken wing
3: Fried Mee
4: Baked floured prawn
5: Homemade bread
6: Curry chicken
7: Broccoli with clamp or something related to the seashells family.
the food was reasonable nice but my dad didnt really like the friend rice cos he thinks that putting jagung in a rice is not very appetizing but i find it okey. after dinner, my family spent their time chatting about stuff i didnt care. i didnt chat much cos i got not much topic to talk wif the aunties and uncles and me and my cousins arent that close except for my youngest cousin but i dun really enjoy mixing with him much. from my previous post, i told u that he is really rough.
speaking of my youngest cousin, he and his family did some funny things on christmas gift. whatever they bought they wrapped it with christmas wrappers for the sake of fun. including his school bags, books, pieced of card and more. thats why their christmas tree is full of presents from people and from themselves.
while the elders were chatting, i watched the ant bully which was previewing in HBO channel. although i watched the show before but i didnt want to miss watching a HBO show since myself dun hav that channel.
we were the last family to leave and said our goodbyes to my uncles than we head of.
Christmas Shopping With Family
it was quite easy to buy for him since toy is his fav subject. my mum bought for him a robot that dance, walk and shoot sponge disc. my dad made a guess that he will one day he will either destroy it or replace the sponge disc with something more lethal. is not a surprise for my dad to say that. u see everytime he get something, one day he will secretly take his father's screwdriver and start dismantle it for the sake of fun. fyi, he is only standard 2 this year (2007).
if the toy is unlucky, it might not even survive till next month with such a vulnerable robot that is fragile. believe it or not, he manage to break a piece of lego cube into half (according to my sis). i got no idea how but it is true. he oso got this gun that shoots soft sponge ball and last month, he replaced it with hard solid marbles. luckily, his parent manage to tell him not aim it at people.
we then head to world of sports in subang parade. my mum bought two t shirts there. blue mizona for my form 5 cousin, and a hush puppies yellow t shirt for my college cousin. it didnt ACTUALLY took long but my dad suddenly caught a hush puppies shirt that he like. slowly 'the' shirt became three shirts. and he have to try every single size. so we wait. while my dad was trying clothings, i kind of like a few t shirts from the mizona department but very expensive. one is a hundred and sixty ringgit, while the other two it ninety nine ringgit and forty six ringgit. my mum wanted to buy the forty ringgit cos is not that expensive plus 30% discount. but my mum said that wait first cos she still got a few more christmas presents.
we headed to caring, body shop and yves something but couldnt find anything for my aunt and grandma. then on our way to parkson, we stopped by at a promtion booth. my mom bought a set of body thingy. it contains, green tea perfume, green tea body lotion and green tea body wash.
we stooped for awhile and ate 1901 to have a light lunch as we have to save some space in our stomach for our hari raya haji dinner with my uncles (i got no idea why they suddenly want to celebrate hari raya haji but my mum said to us to pretend as a 1 day holiday celebration for them) and unties from the ho side of the family.
my mum than splitted to parkson, my dad sat down on a couch which he eventually fell asleep and i went to speedy and mph. just browsed round but didnt buy anything. when i was back, my mum told me that she circled around subang parade but couldnt find anything and told me that my dad sort of got scolded by the guard for sleeping at the public resting couch.
before we went home, i redeemed a free christmas chocolate from the info counter as every receipt accumulated until it reaches rm150 will get a free box of chocolate. there iis only 6 pieces but the design is cute. each six picture represents diffrent christmas element, santa, reindeer, christmas tree, forsty, christmas angel and candy cane.
we stopped by at a boutique in taipan later on to buy a shirt for my grandma. i recommend to my mum a red and white silk chinese style blouse and a black sliglthy modern style blouse. my mom took a long time guessing which one to pick. she picked the red and white at first and try it on the very friendly indonesian salesgirl since she and my grandma are about the same size.
she was very happy and jolly and socialble. my mum then picked the black one insted and bought it. once out of the shop i told my mum that the salesgirl, is jolly, hyper, happy and extremly talkative.
well, the christmas shopping is done. YAY!!!
6 more days to Christmas
Read More......Old Favourites
i noticed that i havent won the league yet although i had beaten the elite four (some of u guys might not now what i am talking about) so i continue from there. long time never played loosen my skills at it as it was extremely tough to beat the elite four champion aka gary oak. i had to restart the game when i lost to make sure that my points didnt go any lower (if u close the game before saving it, it will return to the previous saved location). my second time was okey although i still have to admit is hard to even go through gary second's pokemon, alakazam ( psychic pokemon).
my list of my league pokemons were:
Blastoise (a hard shelled turtle, best attack: hydro pump)
Raichu (an electrical mouse, best attack: thunder)
Kadabra (younger version of Alakazam, best attack: psychic)
Farfetch D (a bird with a leak as a weapon, best attack: razor wind)
Graveler (a stone man, best attack: earthquake)
Venomoth (an oversized moth, b est attack: toxic)
i managed to beat him. YAY! lol. i noe i am being very childish but i am bored to death. and since i am still bored, i will list to you gary's league pokemons:
Pigeot (a giant bird, best attack: wing attack)
Alakazam (psychic man, best attack: psychic)
Rhydon (a standing rhino, best attack: horn drill)
Gyarados (a giant sea dragon, best attack: hyper beam)
Arcanine (a fiery tiger-dog, best attack: flame thrower)
Venosaur (a giant flower, best attack: solarbeam)
i stopped playing once i defeated him but i got bored again so i played again, against the league again but with a diffrent batch of pokemon except for blastoise, he is my fav (im being so kiddy).
new batch:
Mewtwo (legendary psychic master, best attack: psychic)
Marowak (mother dinosaur with a bone as a weapon, best attack: bonemerang)
Ditto (a genetic cell that morph itself into its opponent, best and only attack: transform)
Chansey (a nurse with an egg in its pocket, best attack: double edge and softboiled)
Parasect (a giant mushroom-insect, best attack: slash)
well thats all. nothing to talk now. so sad. boring lah. i feel like blogging but dun noe whut to blog. well, anyway, playing pokemon brings back old memories.

8 more days to Christmas
Asian Idol
based on my opinion, jaclyn is the strongest singer, mau has the most husky voice, mike is the best, hady doesnt deserve to be a singaporean idol at all, phuang vee had the most classic voice and abejeet, well i dun really get to hear his voice as i only listen to one song he sang only which is the juru sumthing like that lah and the song didnt really bring him out.
my family thinks that mike will win hands down but i support jac anyway, after all, she is a malaysian. malaysian won the first amazing race asia and the malaysia must win the first asian idol too. here is the list of who i think deserve to win from first to last:
1) Mike Mohade
2) Jaclyn Victor
3) Mau Marsela
4) Phuang Vee
5) Abejeet
6) Hady Mirza
however i was wrong way away. hadi mirza was the first asian idol and my whole family was like OMG!!! of all person, hady! the one who even daniel the 2nd malaysian idol can beat him. my dad says that he got the looks which attract girls but how bout phuang vee? she is pretty. then there is abejeet. much better looking than that hady guy. plus, his country is the smallest!!!!
well, i told my cousin about it and my cousin alredy said in a way, it is expected. she that most people would wan their country to win. so thinking that their country will win and since they hav to pick 2 country, they decided to pick their country and the worst contestant which is non other than hady.
for example, i wan jaclyn victor to win but the rules said that we hav to vote two people. but i am afraid that if i vote for mike who is so great at singing, will grab more chance to win. i tot of voting for jaclyn and hady since i think not many people will vote for if people from all around asia did the same as i did eventually hady grab more votes by being a loser. there is a saying, when 2 great party fights, is the the third party who wins. my sis made an assumption that hady is the winner by being a loser.

8 more days to Christmas
Alvin and the Chipmunks
1 step backward, 2 steps front
although i noe is not nice to say that u r happy that u lost your hp but i jus cnt hide the feeling that i am slightly happy i lost my hp. the reason i said so is bcos i got a new hp. much cheaper and much better. like i told u in my previous post, i wanted to buy a second hand hp worth less than rm250. and i did. im not sure the model but it is panasonic. i noe the brand sounded ciplak but is better than my old wan.
i almost made a wrong decision while choosing the hp. i wanted to choose a german hp, black and white wordings with colored background, called alcate. is suppose to be a betterhp compared to nkoia cos it last long but not user friendly that why is not famous in malaysia. it cos rm150. the desgin was silver and it is a flip phone. i wanted to choose until i saw another flip phone cost 280. becos the boss is my grandfather's friend and so kebetulan my granddad is there, he gave us discount which eventually make the phone price to rm200 only.
i decided to pick the panasonic since it got more function and the price isnt that of a diffrence. this is why i think my new phone is better than my old phone:
1) camera and video clearer
2) sound recording is longer
3) free nice dlw music
4) support GPRS so GPRS is free
5) nicer colour, (is a mixture of purple, red and brown)
6) auto flip
7) cheaper
8) famous for Jay Chou promoting it 2 years ago, i noe it is very long,
why i prefer my old phone:
1) a gift from my uncle from trinidad and tabago
2) no flip, no slide, more convenient to answer
3) much branded
4) more function like, wallet, countdown, stopwatch (although i am not sure whether my new phone hav a not)
5) famous for being the first nokia camera phone.
6) the skin is still prefect, my new one is slighlty old
when come to close look, is sure to say that my old phone is in a better condition but when come to better looking, my new phone win hands down. compared to u guy's phone is no match lah but whut do u expect from a rm200 hp include free Digi prepaid card (i wanted maxis but dun hav and since they r giving free, myself take lah. when got money then only i might consider changing it).
10 more days to Christmas
Lost and No Found
now i got no hp. i told my parents that i wan to buy a new hp that cost max rm250. i dun wan too expensive cos number 1, i got no money, actually i do, but i dun wan to use it all at one shot. secondly, if i lose it again, i wont feel so sad like i am now cos it is cheap. my dad told me to go to my grandfather's friend's second hand hp shop to buy it. he said that for rm200, we can get a nice hp wif multi function. that is according to him lah.
so to everyone, i got no hp so dun bother to call me or sms me. if u guys wan to contact me, call my hse or my grandma's hse. if u guys dun noe, ask ryan and matt. i think they have it.
to matthew, ryan, sheng ling:
since u guys r my usual readers of my blog, plz pass the message to our friends via sms. plz and ty.

11 days to Christmas
P.S: i didnt post anything yesterday cos i dun feel like posting anything. after all, i jus lost my hp. i didnt even go online.
My First Digital Camera
i finally got my first digital camera!!! actually is a family camera but who cares. is a sort of xmas present from my dad. we bought in carefour for only RM379. it was in a stock clearance so we got a sale. the brand is Panasonic Lumix LS70. It ot 7.2 megapixels but sadly it can only store 18 pictures without memeory card but my dad jus bought it yesterday. 2Gig for Rm90.
we bought it in Summit. in summit, there is oso a sale for digital camera. so my mum went and check it out. she saw the exact model of our digital camera. this is the conversation:
Mum (pick up the camera): How much is this camera?
Salesgirl: Very cheap only. Is only RM699.
Mum: I only bought it for 379 at carefour.
Salesgirl: That is old model.
how dumb can a person be. my mum already told her that she bought IT for how much and yet she wan to fight it. but my mum isnt the must win type of person so she jus smile and walk away.
the camera got normal function like all other digital camera so it was nothing speacial about it. since my dad bought for me n my sis a camera, we tot of buying him back a xmas present. we bought for him a ginseng drink with a ginseng in it as well (my dad sort of like to try ginseng. ginseng is very expensive and healthy) all the way from korea we oso bought a pocket mirror bag all the way from china. both oso quite cheap. after all, this is xmas n we dun really celebrate xmas technically.
i still havent buy any present for my sis yet. i dunnoe whut to buy for her. gif me idea plz... btw, im going to an xmas dinner with my matenal side of my family on xmas day. xmas event came to my maternal side through my aunt. my maternal side are all buddhist and my granma is from shanghai. so last time, we dun celebrate it. until my aunt came in who is a christian started exchanging presents. so to make it more polite, we exchange presents too, that how xmas is brought to my Ho side of the family.
14 days to Christmas
Read More......

Warning, Especially Ryan and Matthew
Old Friends