People of SMKSU on the year 2006 will probably remember the terrible storm that struck our school. it was the only time of my entire schooling years (including preschool and primary) that the entire school is in a chaotic state and every teachers in the schools were panic while some of the students cried.
the hurricane made it to my no. 4 best memory because despite all this drama and tension created by the student body of SMKSU, that day was actually a really fun day. having my 2 GAMMA classroom at the highest floor facing no buildings, we could feel the starting of the strong wind. at first we treated it as merely a breeze but as i get stronger, rain poured and wet the internal of our classroom.
thats where the fun part begin. the classmates of 2 GAMMA including myself, closed all door and windows (used tables to closed up any broken windows). we then made our very own 'GREAT WALL OF CHINA' composed of tables instead of bricks. it was pretty effective when it comes to protect us and our stuffs from the strong wind and rain. i remembered nicholas went out of the classroom (that time the storm was so bad i couldnt even see the hallway clearly) and came back with the news that one of the classroom have their roof blown away. he also came back in a drench condition as if he just came out of a pool with his clothes on.
a few people went in and out which was quite a fuss cos everythime the door open, wind and rain rushed into the class. meanwhile, i remembered constantly checking on the broken window every now and then to check on the condition. but like i said, it was too blur to be clear. finally, pn vasantha knocked our door when she failed to open our class' door (we blocked it with tables and we didnt know it was a teacher so we didnt want to open the door at first till i found out is pn vasantha through the broken window). she was definately wet like nicholas and was in panic situation. i also noticed we were the only few people left on the top floor. she screeched us to go to the class at the ground floor quickly. right after that, everyone rushes down. we were splitted when we raced to different classroom for shelter. there i saw people crying especially after they met their friends.
after the storm settled down. we left and i met up with my friends. we did some exploring as if we were new to the school. i remembering hearing rumours that there was a piece of zinc plate soaring and nearly sliced off a teacher and some strudent's head. true or not, i dont know. what i know was that they were many roofs broken and even the grand hall's roof fall off. the most shocking to me was a solid (at least it looked solid) brick hut was totally torn apart.

the broken hut and us
me, yew han, alan, matthew, eng khim and sheng ling
Pictures from Sheng Ling
Memory No. 3: i got problem choosing between this 2 special occasion so i decided to put both at 3rd place. 1 is a trip with pure 'red' spirit and the other is also a trip which i didnt make it.
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