i have my reasons when i cant choose between this two special occasion. i got about 13 special events but i can only put 10. however on the 3rd placing, i cnt choose between these two. malacca trip with my 3 gamma classmates is very memorable to me cos not only is my first school/class outing, i also had a really great time hanging out with my friends in a not so familiar place. however, the impact of being chosen as malaysian representative to a international conference in mexico after completing the 100 cloud project is definitely bigger compared to malacca. unfortunately, i didnt make it to mexico which was very saddening to me (the only negative experience in my top 10).
il start with malacca. from my previous post, those who read it will know that during my form 3 year, my class won 2 awards during the family day and with the winning prize money, my class used it for a class trip to malacca. although i have been to malacca already but going with friends is way different. i cnt exactly pin point what we did in malacca (thats why its only 3rd and sharing place with the mexico trip) but all i remembered it was fun. not the historical feature of malacca but the journey with friends was fun. what i remembered in malacca having fun is:
1) in the bus
2) shopping
3) eating in the food court
4) taking pictures
5) lepaking
after writing these down, i dont know why i enjoyed it so much but i do in some ways.
us in a museum

3 GAMMA! United Forever!
i was absolutely thrilled but then realised i cant go cos my parents (shocked on me getting the chance) couldnt support the financial needs of the trip to mexico. it was actually offered free but due to too many chosen students, they society in charge couldnt afford paying us all. in the end me, farhanah and muzzafar couldnt go.
one more thing i remembered was that i was helping pn vigneswary giving points to the member of the ping pong club (i was secretary then) in the staff room when matthew tell me i am among the chosen students. pn vigneswary and cik cheong asked me what happen and i told them. they were quite furious (especially cik cheong) that they had no clue on the 100 clouds project as english teacher of the school and see no rights that only our class was chosen (i tried telling her that my class was chosen for being the best but i think it makes matter worst). i told this to my class, the 3 Gammas, and i tink hatred towards cik cheong grew even more from my class.

ambassadors of malaysia who make it to the conference in mexico
annie, matthew, alya, nadzlin, hanisah and wei lian
Pictures from Adrienne & Matthew
Memory No.2: To go down memory lane No. 2, i have to go up to the mountains.
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