
:: Posted by - blogbyyongming :: Category -

How's work? okey. our profit is not great. first day we earn rm170 from the sales. second day got rm165.50. is definately a great experience and although our stall got banyak rojak, but everyone only buys the keychains. sad rite. time passes faster than i expected, a little bit too fast actually. i got lots of stories to share but not really in the mood lah. so if u want to hear, ask me in person then. btw, due to too many customers buying keychains, ouyr variety of keychains is getting less and less so most probably we will stop our sales. no long buiseness cos we dont have to main products to be sale. sorry friends. no need to come and visit me lah. but MAYBE next next week i will work for this lady called aunty judy in the same place where i was selling. rm50 a week. not much but gud enough for me.

btw, i lost my hp (again, and this time, without ryan around me). sad. didnt really feel sad actually. the sales took my mind of away. :)

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