Back in Business

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as the tittle said for itself, im officially back in business for one more week next week. we decided to continue and made keychains instead of model cars as our main product. the thing that my glance your head might be 'KEYCHAINS?! how to make a living?" well, let me explain that i am not making a living but a mere salary, is the only thing that sold last week and we have other things for sales too. in addtion to last week would be handphone stickers and more variety of keychains. like it or not, we earn rm500+ last week including rm200 model, rm120 rent, rm29 this and that and we manage to cut cost as the supplier, my uncle ala yilian and yimei's father didnt want any profit since he had longed to get rid of the keychains he bought in bulk from china. we plan to sell more thing but nothing float up into our mind yet. although we might be selling softdoll keychains like the one i sold during malam seribu bintang. something like that.

well, thats all i got to say bout business. anyway, have you lot watched survivor, i bet u didnt. lol. anyway, quick review for those who watched (and cared to read, if not, just tag and leave cos nothing interesting for you here), the survivor is now down to final 5, bob, susie, matty, sugar and ken. out of all of them, i am quite surprised susie made it to the top 5 although i am routing for her. why? well, she is nice and only once did she have to do the planning but only because she was determine her future. other than that i am routing for matty, he is nice and physically most suitable to win the survivor game. i dont really want sugar to win but compared to bob and ken, i rather take in her. bob is okey. just okey to me. ken meanwhile is just a schemer. matthew support him though but it seems like he wont last long. and even if he does, chances of him win will be tiny since the juries dont like him, i think.

as i loved to write reviews, here goes from the beginning. survivor gabon started with 18 people were sent to gabon, africa, earth's last eden. they were splitted to 2 tribes:

Marcus (physically strongest in all)
Charlie (gay and nice)
Corrine (the evil witch)
Kelly (pretty weak girl)
Jacquie (a plain one)
Bob (old but artistic)
Ace (always the leader)
Sugar (looked dumb but not)
Paloma (the tinniest)

Dan (average in everything)
Matty (sincere and honest)
G.C (strong and weak)
Gillian (grandma)
Crystal (olympic winner)
Ken (smallest guy)
Randy (a troll)
Susie (mother feature)
Michelle (proud)

fang was spotted as the weak tribe as soon as they were sorted due to the fact crystal, gillian and susie picked each other as a tribe for the reason that mom's have to stick with each other. other than matty, dan and gc, the rest were looked weak. the challenges prove their theory right and fang lost 4 times in a row (2 reward challenges, 2 immunity challenges) and despite dan was sent to exile island (a remote place to find hidden immunity idol) he cant find the idol. fang wasnt strategic and out of place. gc was selected to be leader but quit the next day after being sort-of mocked by gillian for being too noisy at night. no one was having alliances making more untrustworthy to each other and they were running out of food due to eating 3 meals a day. MICHELLE was eliminated first as she constantly complains bout how she hated fang and prefered kota. GILLIAN goes next for being the weakest and the oldest. fang however brought some light to them and won the next reward and immunity challenges. kota already sort out who to get rid which is paloma. the weakest member. having only kelly in paloma's support both of them tried to get rid of Ace for being the irratating leader but PALOMA's unstrategic move didnt work at all.

teams were shuffled. in the new kota were: marcus, charlie, corrine, bob, susie, randy and dan. while the rest in fang. marcus, charlie, corrine and jacquie were orginally a pack but dissapointed by the split and same goes to matty, dan, randy and susie. despite matty's grude on crystal and gc, they managed to teamed to get rid the old kotas. matty also grew stronger with ken. but like it or not, fang continuosly to lose another 3 immunity challenges and 3 reward challenges. meanwhile sugar was sent to exiled island 5 times in a row but already found the hidden idol on her first trip. kelly became the obvious target for being the weakest but kelly make sure she wont go like her best pal paloma did. instead, she deviced a plan and told ken and crystal that jacquie, sugar and ace are really close and they need to get rid of them before anything worst happen. they than convinced matty and gc and get rid of JACQUIE. kelly continuosly became the target for letting down the teams in challenges. however, gc too was letting down his teammates. despite being tought looking, gc have a history of constantly giving up. he alredy gave up in the upcoming challenge before attending to it and was missing with the next challenge just minutes away. gc even pleaded his teammates to get rid of him. meanwhile, everyone else found out that sugar had the hidden idol making her threat but it was GC's plead that took the win. KELLY was next for being the weakest. the next challenge was an individual challenge fighting for an individual idol. the game was log roll and marcus beats all his opponents from both kota and fang. he was then asked to awarded another idol to the fang tribe and he gave it to sugar for being the weakest and not a threat in later game. both teams have to go to tribal.

in fang, ken and crystal thought that there will be a merge later so getting rid of the strongest would be the best. meanwhile, ace and matty bonded without the unknown of sugar (she was in exile island during that time). when she came back, ken took her curiousity and told sugar that matty and ace are goin to get rid of her and blindsided. sigar didnt buy that at first but was convinced to the lie when ace felt treathen and asked to borrowed sugar's idol just incase. this make sugar paranoid. she teamed up with ken and crystal and get rid of ACE. in kota, marcus, corrine and charlie pulled bob and randy to have the majority votes and decided which to go, either susie or dan. dan was not only a physical threat but he was consuming most of the kota's food while susie is just another outsider who have to go before matter worsen. eventually the rounded up and decided to get rid of dan. corrine told susie bout their plan and susie happily agreed to followed and spilled out "i was actually going to vote for you". corrine became furious and demanded to get rid of her. she even brought up that dan might have the hidden idol on his first trip to exile island. corrine and the gang than decided to split the votes so that is dan did have the idol, susie will go instead but cos dan didnt DAN was eliminated while the Kota 6 alliances was form (marcus, charlie, corrine, randy, bob and susie).

a gathering feast which usually a sign of merge was held. there was an extra idol for one to wear but all of them (hesitated by the fang), they agreed that marcus and randy threw the idol to the ocean and they did. it was later then they found out they were splitted again. in kota was crystal, ken, susie, bob and dan while in fang were corrine, matty, sugar, charlie and randy. matty and sugar took opportunity to be alone away from the old fang and matty revealed to sugar that ken was lying to her bout ace. this make sugar dont trust ken and crystal anymore. it was the second time then kota lost the immunitu challenge. bob, susie and marcus wanted to get rid of ken for being the weakest. it was later known that marcus pen-pal's cousin is crystal. marcus took this relationship to pull crystal into alliance and replaced susie in the kota 6 alliance. even when marcus said that corrine and randy hated susie, crystal was not convinced (marcus was telling the truth) and took that information to susie. susie accepted crystal word and eliminated MARCUS for betrayal and the strongest link. marcus was also the first member of the jury.

a merge was next. charlie was dissapointed bout marcus (charlie loves marcus btw) while corrine was more furious on susie for flipping sides. matty, crystal, ken, sugar and susie, the underdogs rose up and became the one s controlling the game. susie won the first individual idol in the fire making competition, ken won second in the balancing beam and domiones trail puzzles. bob won the next two in 'quiz and target' and puzzled assemble across obstacle course, blindfolded. corrine, randy, bob and charlie was outnumbered by 5 to 4. The alliance of Charlie, Corrine, and Randy saw Sugar as a swing vote at Tribal Council to vote for Crystal, whom Randy wanted voted out. Sugar told Charlie and Corrine that she could not live with Randy any more and Corrine tried to convince Sugar that if she voted with their alliance that they would vote Randy out next. To get revenge for forcing him to share the note about the second Hidden Immunity Idol at the feast, Ken decided to blindside Charlie by fabricating a story that Charlie was the brains behind the Kota alliance. Ken told the story to his alliance of Crystal, Matty, and Susie who believed his story and agreed to vote for Charlie. Ken told the same story to Sugar in an effort to get her vote for Charlie. At Tribal Council, Crystal confronted Randy over why he disliked her so much. Sugar joined the alliance of Crystal, Ken, Matty, and Susie, because she did not want to align with Randy and Corinne, and CHARLIE was blindsided and the second jury.

early in the game when bob was send to exile island but couldnt find the idol (sugar had it) he made a fake one just in case. bob knew that his kota 6 alliances was drifting so he teammed up with sugar. randy was convinced that bob had the hidden idol and decided to play it and blindside susie. he make sure everyone hated him and everyone did and finally decided to get rid of him. sugar convinced bob to give the fake idol to randy so he will be more convince. bob did as told with a slight guilt and randy bought the trick. randy tried to play the idol in corrine's pleasure but became a lughing matter for sugar, matty, ken, crystal and susie when jeff (the host) revealed is fake. RANDY thus became the 3rd jury

corrine was rounded and knew she had to come up with a plan. bob too suddenly hatched another plan. he made another fake idol and told corrine to show it to ken and crystal so that they will follow them and get rid of matty for being the physically strongest or at least 2nd to bob. crystal and stunned when she got the news from corrine that she got the idol from marcus who did not actually threw the idol they found during the gathering feast and she's holding it now. crystal bought it completely but not kenny entirely. he devised a plan that crystal continues to vote for corrine while he voted for matty so the votes for matty-corrine will be 3-4. this is plan is to put corrine's elimination as priority incase its fake and if corrine did showed the real idol, matty would be gone and the idol will too. but since is fake, plan 1 suceeded and CORRINE became the 4th jury.

ken's vote for matty made matty angry at crystal and ken for betraying even when ken tried explaining things. ken brought his anger to bob for lying and getting him into this trap. bob knew he was going out so he devised a plan by buying kena nd crystal next vote by giving him his idol if he won in the next challenge which he did and did wonder bout giving up the idol to ken. ken and crystal was certain that bob would give ken. crystal and ken decided to eliminate the last of kota 6 alliance by betraying bob and regain their old mates. they told matty, susie and sugar bout the giving up idol and when ken posses it leaving bob defenceless, they would all vote for bob. sugar felt pity for bob and decided to told bob bout ken and crystal's plan. bob believed her since she was the only original kota he got left. sugar told the camera that she dont want any bad guys (ken and crystal) to win. she told bob to do give up the idol to ken but instead of voting matty, vote crystal. that way, bob can still keeps his promise. sugar went over to matty and told him bout the plan since matty was already angered by ken. sugar is also convinced the susie will follow whoever matty vote for. at tribal, bob refused to give the idol to ken and said that he will be safe without it tonight. this provoked sugar's plan so she decided to use her hidden idol (by rules of survivor, the hidden idol's power expired in final 5) since it will no longer be useful. but she didnt used it for herself but gave it to matty to used it. all votes landed on matty was not counted. sugar's effort was a no-need since bob did followed sugars plan and CRYSTAL got blindsided and became the 5th jury.

so long lol!

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