Bugging Bryan

:: Posted by - blogbyyongming :: Category -

Errrrrr!!!! that bryan is so damn freaking annoyoing. just bcause i give him a few answers in one exam paper, he expected me to think that he is under my good buddy category and wouldnt stop asking me question. i dun mind if he ask like one or 2 lar in a paper but insted he want me to give him at least 10 answer. and 10 question can change a mark from b to a. he wouldnt stop bugging me and everytime he noticed im done, he will start asking me question!!!! plus, things got worse from here. bcause of him, even nicholas and izzudin started the trend as well. luckily for me, their question is only 1 or 2 which i dun mind much.from bad to worse, bryan is started to lose its grip to hold its position as one of my good frens. only a few days ago only me, him and engkhim talking about taking people for granted nd he himself doesnt seems to understand that word!!!!!

so whut if he gets a b or c or d. is not lightning gonna strike him. even nigel started to be rajin although still got a bit problem in studying and rosliana also imrove and he... of all person i think who would be beyond hope! seriously, id dint expected him to go lower than rosliana in kerajinan. i try telling him that but he doesnt seems to understand and as a fren is just hard to say no. im not surprise that by sejrah exam came he would oso ask me question. it makes me feel guilty to gif him answer. mayb bcause im just a pure, good hearted guy (lol) that dont like cheating. grrrr.... at least he doesnt beat me in anything...... yet!

Response to "Bugging Bryan"
  • Anonymous Says:

    u kinda praise urself...and yala...matthew oso sometimes ask me questions, then if i got questions that i haven answered yet...i need to concentrate mah...keep on asking me..disrupt my concentration oni...haih

  • Harry Potter Says:

    Ryan:: LOL!! Sorry lorhzzz... tot u finish liao...

    whoa... 10 questions ar?? Didnt even ask ryan that much. Right? XD

  • Anonymous Says:


  • Anonymous Says:

    ryan: thankxs for telling me that im bragging. i alwyas stick to one moto which is no one can look at themselves withou a mirror! ty again. lol.

  • Anonymous Says:

    if kim poh ask me to do that, i'll just ignore him. if 1 or 2 is ok-la but 10!!!! that's too much

  • Anonymous Says:

    heheheh.....go complain to teacher lar...hmmm....i dun relli like people that wants to get good grades but they dowan to work hard for it...