Tresure Hunt: SMKSU

:: Posted by - blogbyyongming :: Category -

from the title i think u can guess whut my blog is about. well, anyway, after completing a tresure hunt competition made by the AGOAL Malaysian team, and won first place (bragging), me and my frens find it intresting and very enjoyable. and becaos of that, we plan on the next school day we will start a new tresure hunt competiotn. as the host, im incharge to make clues and yadayadayada and is not easy thingking up about 50 over clues with hidden riddles in it.

well, anyway, there was supose to be detour and road block like the amazing race asia but alya told me tat is not a good idea to create tresure hunt in the school cos the penyelia petang will b furious if she find out so i decided to cancel it. when the day arrive, a few ask me why i cancel it and blablabla the usual stuff (u dun expect me to write all). well, just to shut their mout (no offence) and enjoy myself since no much teacher shown up, i decide to relive the game as the host, again. well, the last minute clues was kinda easy to make as i've alredy plan out but no detours and road block are made cos too little time. sad isn't. my detour is so hard and i rely want to see them bake under the sun or sitting down waiting for raining gold (dun ask). but too bad.

the game start and ended well although a few troubles appear in the middle liek the appearance mr. ang in the class and one of the contestant isnt n one withdraw from the race but things turn up fine. below is a few clues ive made for the race. u may seen it before and may not.

north, south east and west; find aplace that starts with T: temapt pengaji cuaca.
luck bring some good and some charm; find a place that is full of lucky charm: interact board.
slap not ur face but a ball; not football or baseball: volleyball court
find the next clue as it won't wait; show me where our experiments are made: science lab.
find ablock with no alphabelt name for it; circle around and u might find me: computer lab/building
a buit like aquarius, a bit like pieces; splish splash is heard and water hisses: a pond
students gathered there in a group of crowds; three poles there used to be honored and prowd: tapak perhimpunan.
t,a,p is like 1,2,3; find the "a" ina group of 3: bengkel tap
paip and screwdriver and maybe hot-gun glue; go around that block to find ur next clue: a backyard for block flora
black bars and black gates block the road, a road that leads to people start to hope: a gate to 2Gamma class.
a place 'they' practice to stand up tall; it has nothing to do with basketball: the place where cheerleading practice/ the hall
peacefull garden is what it is called; find ur clue in abig green hall: taman harmoni.

there are more but i dun think u hav time to hear them all. anyway, bcos me and my frens find it fun and i enjoy maing the clues, we thought that after clues, we find an area and continue the game! thats for now.

Response to "Tresure Hunt: SMKSU"
  • Anonymous Says:

    aha...u oso change to blogger beta edi..hehe..neways nice change..hapi hols

  • Anonymous Says:

    u too and the reason i change cos i started to tink my blog is getting duller eversince i look at matthew one. but is less advance cos i malas to do this and that and i dunno how as well. :P

  • Anonymous Says:

    i agree that it is less dull and more exciting. i oso think that matthew's blog is getting boringer (no offence , matthew)

  • Harry Potter Says:

    WHAT??!! Eng Khim i'll slaughter u next year