Chinese New Year

:: Posted by - blogbyyongming :: Category -


Happy Chinese New Year to all!!! Is rumoured to say is not good to say Gong Xi Fa Chai or Gong Hei Fat Choi this year not because of bad luck, but becos of financial crisis Malaysia is going through. After all, gong her fat choi means congratulation in being rich. the problem is that this year, most people are getting poorer so by congratulating that, is not a very good omen.

being in the year of the ox, cow, bull or whatever, supersitious said is not good to wear red as it will atract attention of a ragging bull. ryan told me that bull dont chase after red stuff, they just chased after waving objects so does this still clash with the superstitious? i dont know and honestly, i dont care either mainly becos i got no red shirt this year. :)

so far i have 6 new pair of shirts. one is checkered as a second layer which i wont be wearing (CNY is usually dead hot), i also got a blue formal shirt which also i wont wear till special occasion. other shirts would be blue-black striped colared tshirt, yellow simpson tshirt, bronze snake oozing venom tshirt and some brown shirt. i got one new shorts only. enough for me actually. i also got myself a new pair of canvas shoe and new socks.

hopefully i can put aside my school worries and enjoy CNY to the fullest. most of u know about the zodiac race right? well based on myth, the zodiac race was begun by the jade emperor to help us human during bad luck season and each animal brings new beginning. so far the year of rat which symbolises smart and sly have bring down the economy, but hopefully cow will boost more good luck. is said that the cow symbolises labour and stubborn but also hardworking, dependable and good-nature. so, to get good wishest his year, we have to work hard for it.

btw, did i tell u i was sort of forced to work for 3 hours as a sort of security guard at my father's smalltown shop? well, on friday after school, about 8pm, i was sent to smalltown to help out. apparently one of the part time boys (i think he is 18 this year. his friend who is oso a worker told me) got gastric in the afternoon and smalltown was flooded with last minute shoppers. so i had to help to make sure no one steals anything that is displayed outside the shop. if u were with me, i was grumbling about being prefect even after school. but it was only 3 hours so it was okey. my dad just gave me rm40 for helping out. that is my first ang pow.

so anyways,


P.S: i ve told my mom about ryan's idea (yes i mentioned ur name) on iniviting u guys to my house. my mum said she dont mind on friday afternoon. i seriously dont mind except my hse i really nothing to do.

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