Hey! I have decided to reblog again. Not sure how long will this last but I'l do my best to keep this updated for wandering readers - that is right. I haven't inform my friends that I am reblogging cause for all I know this could just be a phase as i enter the stressful world of Undergraduate studies.
So yeah my first blog is about Facebook!!! Yeah!!! I know right? First blogging now facebooking, you are probably wondering what the hell am I wasting my time on. But hey - I am "de-stressing", which should be a real English word.

The fun and awkward part is when your "seen" memo popped up at a relatively slow pace (like 10-15 seconds) but came no reply. This will most often means THEY ARE IGNORING YOU!!!
Some do not like this new added application but honestly, I love it. I mean is not our fault if you choose to ignore us - actually it is your fault for ignoring us. Just a minute ago I was chatting with this girl regarding a club we were planning to form and it was on a forming stage so everyone's cooperation is required but this girl Elsy (not real name) has been very passive. I don't blame her thinking because she was not given a proper duty. So I spotted her online on my facebook chat, chat with her, gave her some duties but she never reply back and yes, the "seen" message popped a couple of time with a fair moment of pause in between (proving she did read it). Not to mention she was wishing people 'happy birthday' 16 minutes before and liking some actress '5 minutes before'. I was obviously frustrated but didnt wanted it to show as in a way, i needed her. So instead I rebuffed by saying:
'It seems you are a little busy now but it is okay. At least you have READ MY MESSAGE ALREADY. I guess I will stop disturbing you now. Thanks yeah'
She didn't read this message as no "seen" popped up or maybe i missed it. Either ways, she logged off like 1-2 minutes after this message and never reply back. The end. Read More......