Memory No. 1: The Simplest Things Make The Best Memories
If you all really know me you all would know what is my No.1 best memory. This memory is not an event or an occasion. is a memory i go through every day like memory no. 6. is the memory that makes all memories memorable and as said in the title, the simplest things make the best memories and too me, nothing was memorable than just hanging out with my FRIENDS.
i remember the times we form the ANN society or GOSSIP
i remember the times we first met
i remember the times we played mafia, taboo and empire
i remember the times we would hang out in malls
i remember the times we go out for a movie
i remember the times we experience real fire emergency in school
i remember the times we debate on any little matters
i remember the times ryan and sheng ling arguing on everything
i remember the times matthew talks about him being prime minister.
i remember the times puan tan pek ngoh pronounced adrienne's name as a-dri-en-ne
i remember the times wan jun and wei lian left malaysia
i remember the times eng khim talks on his computer games
i remember the times me and amanda bored to death during PA session
i remember the times Nigel would - well - let's just skip that.
i remember the times going to prom and MSB with friends
i remember the times i attend for prefect and kasturi march practice
i remember the times i run for the cross country race
i remember the times as junior and KIV prefects
i remember the times Imran was my senior
i remember he imes training Xin Ni and Nazmi and maybe Desmond.
i remember the times i got full A's for PMR
i remember the times my friends and i crossed the road and block the entire traffic
i remember the times we went to the zoo
i remember the times we make a smiley face for the school's magazine
i remember the times jumping like idiots on days before school over
i remember the times entering the library to not study
i remember the times organizing TARTE every now and then
i remember the times i organized the first treasure hunt for my friends in secret
i remember the times i made a video and my team won 5th place in NIE competition school level
i remember the times the boys drew Power Puff Pikachu Panda (or something like that)
i remember the times we celebrate each and every one's birthday
i remember the times sharing ghost stories we one another
i remember the times we sat for our last paper in SPM
i remember the times we had a feast for wan jun's departure in pyramid
i remember the times we organize a treasure hunt for the school
i remember the times the haircut saloon and haunted house won my class in the family day
i remember the times managing the public address system almost every monday
i remember the times participating in the prefect camps.
i remember the times we take shelter from the terrible storm in school
i remember the times going to malacca and not going to mexico
i remember the times photography unit's trip to cameron was a success
and even though (like matthew said) we might fail to grip our friendship as it slowly fade away, as we make new friends with new adventure, as we have forgotten what it is like to be together, i will definitely remember the times my friends and i spend the best times together.

And go our separate ways,
For one day we might forget,
Each other's face.
For every time we meet,
And greet each other, 'Hi',
For the more we prepare,
To wish each other 'Goodbye',
Arrivederci to my greatest friend,
Adios and hope this is not the end,
Aloha so we may meet again,
Au revoir while our memories remain.
Before i finish,
Allow me this to say this one more time:
P.S: my last blog post before i go to National Service so do not expect any blog post for quite some time.